find your fit

FIT is not an image or a destination, it's a lifestyle. A journey. AN ADVENTURE!

Find Your FIT

Being FIT is not just about exercise but also how you take care of your body and your mind. I'll teach you how to incorporate healthy habits and create a FIT lifestyle and find your inner BADASS!

Team Inspire FIT

It's amazing to be able to find "your people" from all over the world, connect and have fun together virtually. Click below to learn how you can build a business using your passion for helping others while creating your own FIT lifestyle!


Ditch the diets and fads! Get all of the tools you need to create your FIT Lifestyle without cutting food groups and still enjoying treats!


Your body was meant to move! And there are so many options! If you haven't found your favorite form of fitness, let's chat!


This is THE MOST IMPORTANT piece of your FIT lifestyle. Crush the negative self talk and train your brain to find the positive!

Shannon Who?

Hey! Thanks for stopping by here! I am a mom, a dog mom, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Health Coach, Fitness Instructor and Lifestyle Mentor. I've also been partnered with Beachbody since 2015 and certified in both of our nutrition plans. My goal is to INSPIRE and help AH-MAZING humans just like you find their inner badass and create a FIT lifestyle so they can become best version of themselves and live life to the fullest!